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    For interesting topics. But remember this is a Linux Forum. Do not post offensive topics that are meant to cause trouble with other members or are derogatory towards people of different genders, race, color, minors (this includes nudity and sex), politics or religion. Let's try to keep peace among the community and for visitors.

    No spam on this or any other forums please! If you post advertisements on these forums, your account may be deleted.

    Do not copy and paste entire or even up to half of someone else's words or articles into posts. Post only a few sentences or a paragraph and make sure to include a link back to original words or article. Otherwise it's copyright infringement.

    You can talk about other distros here, but no MX bashing. You can email the developers of MX if you just want to say you dislike or hate MX.
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    Here you can just talk about MX or post interesting topics about what you have done in MX that you want to share with others. Other non-MX topics can be discussed within the Rules of the Forum.
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  • Success Stories
    Here you can post about what you did to get MX to work right with your computer or if hardware worked right out of the box for you. This is for the computers and/or hardware that is normally hard to get working right in Linux or MX.
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    Here you can post a testimonial about why you like or love MX. Include as much detail and info as you wish.
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