MX-17 Screenshots

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Re: MX-17 Screenshots

#281 Post by bfrost »

My new Desktop. Greatest distro - stable, fast, many updated apps and great tools!

WM Theme: Adapta
Theme: Adapta-Eta [GTK2]
Icons: Papirus-Adapta [GTK2]

Background (desktop, grub, Light-DM): Blue abstract

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Re: MX-17 Screenshots

#282 Post by bfrost »

No Distrohopping, MX Linux is best! Themehopping instead, though this themes and style is my "to-stay" settings :)

WM Theme: Arc-Dark
Theme: Arc-Darker [GTK2]
Icons: Papirus [GTK2]

Back to default: light theme, panel placement and backgrounds. Still the best!
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Last edited by bfrost on Thu Oct 04, 2018 11:07 am, edited 6 times in total.

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Re: MX-17 Screenshots

#283 Post by k_sz »

stevedude wrote: Thu Aug 23, 2018 6:24 pm Had the wallpaper forever so I don't have a link - Sorry.
Hello, it seems that you'd have to thank stotty ^^
as a monopoly racer and a devouring beast, Google is honestly hateable but its Images search engine is really performing !


:hug: asqwerth & all,
coming back after the great grieve of having to bury my beloved laptop and desktop - both died the same week. RIP - long life to my new machines ! even older stuff has been used to bring these ones to life :p

Current WIP :


Nothing really changed from my old laptop to this new desktop :
  • GTK theme : sixsixfive's DarK, modified
  • xfwm theme : Rele, modified
  • icon set : DarK, recolored
  • main font : Infini
  • terminator & Orage font : IBM 3270 by rbanffy
  • wallpaper : Golden Sierpinski, from a now deleted DA account - i 'monochromed' the original
> Desktop : AMD 64 bits (unknowned monocore model :P looking for an AM2+ 4cores Phenom) | RAM 4Go DDR2 | MX@daily updates, sudo apt dist-upgrade
> Laptop x2 : WIP obsolescence and "old" batteries prices have killed my project


Re: MX-17 Screenshots

#284 Post by male »

k_sz wrote: :hug: asqwerth & all,
coming back after the great grieve of having to bury my beloved laptop and desktop - both died the same week. RIP - long life to my new machines ! even older stuff has been used to bring these ones to life :p
The dying was also here, you are not alone... :happy:
With me it is the power supply of the desktop.
k_sz wrote:... Google is honestly hateable but its Images search engine is really performing !

Try it in the future with it: ;)

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Re: MX-17 Screenshots

#285 Post by asqwerth »

Welcome back, k_sz.

Sorry to hear about all your computer troubles.

And I see you're still very much into the extreme dark look. ;-)

I also use tineye instead of Google image search.
Desktop: Intel i5-4460, 16GB RAM, Intel integrated graphics
Clevo N130WU-based Ultrabook: Intel i7-8550U (Kaby Lake R), 16GB RAM, Intel integrated graphics (UEFI)
ASUS X42D laptop: AMD Phenom II, 6GB RAM, Mobility Radeon HD 5400


Re: MX-17 Screenshots

#286 Post by male »

MX system on desktop with Conky-Syntax1.10

Lua watch
some system data
Teo's Accuweather ;)

Image Image

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Re: MX-17 Screenshots

#287 Post by asqwerth »

Was repairing the accuweather scripts from TBG - thanks, male!

The horizontal conky is from something found on the Manjaro forum, and there's a tiny radiotray conky with loutch's script.

Emerald theme is a modified PintBlueMix that's less flat and with more adapta-ish colours.

Wallpaper is from Karl Schneider's Obsidian series:
He has 2 versions of his MX Linux Obsidian WP.

Desktop: Intel i5-4460, 16GB RAM, Intel integrated graphics
Clevo N130WU-based Ultrabook: Intel i7-8550U (Kaby Lake R), 16GB RAM, Intel integrated graphics (UEFI)
ASUS X42D laptop: AMD Phenom II, 6GB RAM, Mobility Radeon HD 5400

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Re: MX-17 Screenshots

#288 Post by asqwerth »

male wrote: Sun Sep 23, 2018 5:48 pm MX system on desktop with Conky-Syntax1.10

Lua watch
some system data
Teo's Accuweather ;)
Could you post the conky lines for the wind direction, compass and speed?
Desktop: Intel i5-4460, 16GB RAM, Intel integrated graphics
Clevo N130WU-based Ultrabook: Intel i7-8550U (Kaby Lake R), 16GB RAM, Intel integrated graphics (UEFI)
ASUS X42D laptop: AMD Phenom II, 6GB RAM, Mobility Radeon HD 5400


Re: MX-17 Screenshots

#289 Post by male »


I like your work very much. Especially the wallpaper fits to it
Thank you for the link :happy:

Your wish code is (we don't start with half stuff ;) ):

Code: Select all

--pkill -xf "conky -q -c /home/male/.conkyrc10" &
--male im September 2018
conky.config = {

--  Window Settings
    own_window = true,
    own_window_type = 'normal',
    own_window_transparent = true,
    own_window_hints = 'undecorated,below,skip_taskbar,skip_pager,sticky',  --,
own_window_colour = '000000',
own_window_class = 'Conky',
own_window_title = 'MX-System-Weather Conky',

-- ARGB can be used for real transparency
--own_window_argb_visual = true, 

-- NOTE that a composite manager is required for real transparency and ARGB will not
-- work as desired (in most cases) in conjunction with 'own_window_type override'.
-- Use with: own_window_type = 'normal',
-- Use with: own_window_transparent = false,

-- When ARGB visuals are enabled, use the following to modify the alpha value. Valid
-- range is 0-255, where 0 is 0% opacity, and 255 is 100% opacity.
--own_window_argb_value = 150,

    minimum_width = 150, minimum_height = 0,-- width | height
    maximum_width = 150,

    gap_x = 80,-- left | right
    gap_y = 145,-- up | down

    alignment = 'bottom_right',
--  End Window Settings

--  Font Settings
-- Use Xft (anti-aliased font and stuff)
    use_xft = true,

--font = 'Liberation Mono:bold:size=10',
--font = 'Liberation Sans:size=10',
    font = 'Sans-serif:size=8',

-- Alpha of Xft font. Must be a value at or between 1 and 0
    xftalpha = 1,

-- Force UTF8? requires XFT
    override_utf8_locale = true,

    uppercase = false,
--  End Font Settings

--  Color Settings
    draw_shades = false,
    default_shade_color = '000000',

    draw_outline = false,
    default_outline_color = '000000',

--default_color = '678b8b',
--default_color = '656667',
--default_color = '7a7a7a',
--default_color = '929292',
default_color = 'C0C0C0',
    color0 = 'B0E0E6',-- PowderBlue
    color1 = '778899',-- LightSlateGray
    color2 = 'D8BFD8',-- Thistle
    color3 = '9ACD32',-- YellowGreen
    color4 = 'FFA07A',-- LightSalmon
    color5 = 'FFDEAD',-- NavajoWhite
    color6 = '00BFFF',-- DeepSkyBlue
    color7 = '5F9EA0',-- CadetBlue
    color8 = 'BDB76B',-- DarkKhaki
    color9 = 'C0C0C0',-- Silver
--  End Color Settings

--  Borders Section
    draw_borders = false,
-- Stippled borders?
    stippled_borders = 5,
-- border margins
    border_inner_margin = 5,
    border_outer_margin = 0,
-- border width
    border_width = 2,
-- graph borders
    draw_graph_borders = false,
--default_graph_height = 15,
--default_graph_width = 40,
--  End Borders Section

--  Miscellaneous Section
-- Boolean value, if true, Conky will be forked to background when started.
    background = true,

-- Adds spaces around certain objects to stop them from moving other things
-- around, this only helps if you are using a mono font
-- Options: right, left or none
    use_spacer = 'none',

-- Default and Minimum size is 256 - needs more for single commands that
-- "call" a lot of text IE: bash scripts
--text_buffer_size = 6144,

-- Subtract (file system) buffers from used memory?
    no_buffers = true,

-- change GiB to G and MiB to M
    short_units = true,

-- Imlib2 image cache size, in bytes. Default 4MiB Increase this value if you use
-- $image lots. Set to 0 to disable the image cache.
    imlib_cache_size = 0,

-- Use the Xdbe extension? (eliminates flicker)
-- It is highly recommended to use own window with this one
-- so double buffer won't be so big.
    double_buffer = true,

-- Maximum size of user text buffer, i.e. layout below TEXT line in config file
-- (default is 16384 bytes)
--max_user_text = 16384,

-- Desired output unit of all objects displaying a temperature. Parameters are
-- either "fahrenheit" or "celsius". The default unit is degree Celsius.
--temperature_unit = 'Fahrenheit',

-- Update interval in seconds
    update_interval = 1,
-- End Miscellaneous Section

--12-24 Hour Clock--
lua_load = '/home/male/LUA/luaclock2412.lua',
lua_draw_hook_pre = 'conky_main',


conky.text = [[

S Y S T E M    I N F O
Host ${alignr}${nodename}
RAM $alignr${mem} / ${memmax}
#Swap usage:${alignr}${swap} / ${swapmax}
Disk usage $alignr${fs_used /} / ${fs_size /}
#Root usage:$alignr${fs_used /} / ${fs_size /}
#Home usage:$alignr${fs_used /home} / ${fs_size /home}
CPU Average ${alignr}${cpu cpu0}%
Kernel ${alignr}${kernel}
GPU ${alignr}${hwmon 1 temp 1}°
Fan ${alignr}${hwmon 0 fan 1}
CPU ${alignr}${hwmon 2 temp 4}°
Boot ${alignr}${execi 86400 who -b | cut -c23-}
New York         ${alignr}${tztime America/New_York %H:%M}
Kastoria         ${alignr}${tztime Europe/Athens %H:%M}

W E A T H E R ${font monofur:size=9}$color${texeci 500 bash $HOME/1_accuweather/1_accuweather -f}${alignr}${execpi 90 sed -n '1p' $HOME/1_accuweather/aktualisiert}
NOW:${execi 90 sed -n '2p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond}°  ${alignc -3}${execi 90 sed -n '1p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days|cut -c1-3|sed 's/EAR/AM/'}:${execi 90 sed -n '3p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}°/${execi 90 sed -n '4p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}°${alignr 10}${execi 90 sed -n '5p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond} 
${font conkyweather:size=30}${execi 90  sed -n '22p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond}${goto 60}${execi 90  sed -n '26p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}${alignr}${font ConkyWindNESW:size=35}${execi 90 sed -n '27p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond}${font monofur:size=9}
 ${execi 90 sed -n '6p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days|cut -c1-3}${goto 55}${execi 90 sed -n '11p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days|cut -c1-3}${goto 92}${execi 90 sed -n '16p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days|cut -c1-3}${alignr}${execi 90 sed -n '6p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond}
${font conkyweather:size=22}${execi 90  sed -n '27p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}${goto 53}${execi 90  sed -n '28p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}${goto 95}${execi 90  sed -n '29p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}${font monofur:size=9}
${execi 90  sed -n '8p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}/${execi 90  sed -n '9p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}${goto 52} ${execi 90  sed -n '13p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}/${execi 90  sed -n '14p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}${goto 98} ${execi 90  sed -n '18p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}/${execi 90  sed -n '19p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}
 ${execi 90 sed -n '21p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days|cut -c1-3}${goto 55}${execi 90 sed -n '1p' $HOME/1_accuweather/last_days|cut -c1-3}${goto 98}${execi 90 sed -n '6p' $HOME/1_accuweather/last_days|cut -c1-3}
${font conkyweather:size=22}${execi 90  sed -n '30p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}${goto 53}${execi 90  sed -n '26p' $HOME/1_accuweather/last_days}${goto 98}${execi 90  sed -n '27p' $HOME/1_accuweather/last_days}${font monofur:size=9}
${execi 90  sed -n '23p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}/${execi 90  sed -n '24p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}${goto 52} ${execi 90  sed -n '3p' $HOME/1_accuweather/last_days}/${execi 90  sed -n '4p' $HOME/1_accuweather/last_days}${goto 98} ${execi 90  sed -n '8p' $HOME/1_accuweather/last_days}/${execi 90  sed -n '9p' $HOME/1_accuweather/last_days}
 ${execi 90 sed -n '11p' $HOME/1_accuweather/last_days|cut -c1-3}${goto 55}${execi 90 sed -n '16p' $HOME/1_accuweather/last_days|cut -c1-3}${goto 98}${execi 90 sed -n '21p' $HOME/1_accuweather/last_days|cut -c1-3}
${font conkyweather:size=22}${execi 90  sed -n '28p' $HOME/1_accuweather/last_days}${goto 53}${execi 90  sed -n '29p' $HOME/1_accuweather/last_days}${goto 98}${execi 90  sed -n '30p' $HOME/1_accuweather/last_days}${font monofur:size=9}
${execi 90  sed -n '13p' $HOME/1_accuweather/last_days}/${execi 90  sed -n '14p' $HOME/1_accuweather/last_days}${goto 52} ${execi 90  sed -n '18p' $HOME/1_accuweather/last_days}/${execi 90  sed -n '19p' $HOME/1_accuweather/last_days}${goto 98} ${execi 90  sed -n '23p' $HOME/1_accuweather/last_days}/${execi 90  sed -n '24p' $HOME/1_accuweather/last_days}


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Dangerous Beauty

#290 Post by richb »

Hurricane Florence approaching the East Coast of the United States

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richb Administrator
System: MX 23 KDE
AMD A8 7600 FM2+ CPU R7 Graphics, 16 GIG Mem. Three Samsung EVO SSD's 250 GB

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