MX-17.1-RC1 Release Candidate Feedback

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Re: MX-17.1-RC1 Release Candidate Feedback

#51 Post by Gerson »

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<?xml encoding="UTF-8" version="1.0"?>
   <name>Run command ...</name>
   <name xml:lang="de">Befehl ausführen ...</name>
   <name xml:lang="el">Εκτέλεση εντολής ...</name>
   <name xml:lang="fr">Exécuter une commande ...</name>
   <name xml:lang="it">Esegui comando ...</name>
   <name xml:lang="lt">Vykdyti komandą ...</name>
   <name xml:lang="nl">Commando uitvoeren ...</name>
   <name xml:lang="pt">Executar comando ...</name>
   <name xml:lang="ru">Выполнить команду ...</name>
   <name xml:lang="am">ትእዛዝ ማስኬጃ ...</name>
   <name xml:lang="es">Ejecutar orden ...</name>
   <name xml:lang="sv">Kör kommando ...</name>
   <name xml:lang="ca">Executa ordre ...</name>
   <command>xfce4-appfinder --collapsed</command>
   <description>Launch a program</description>
   <description xml:lang="de">Ein Programm starten</description>
   <description xml:lang="el">Ξεκινήστε ένα πρόγραμμα</description>
   <description xml:lang="fr">Démarrer un programme</description>
   <description xml:lang="it">Lancia un programma</description>
   <description xml:lang="lt">Paleisti programą</description>
   <description xml:lang="nl">Programma starten</description>
   <description xml:lang="pt">Abre um programa</description>
   <description xml:lang="ru">Запуск программы</description>
   <description xml:lang="es">Iniciar un programa</description>
   <description xml:lang="sv">Starta ett program</description>
   <description xml:lang="ca">Engega un programa</description>
   <name>Open Terminal Here</name>
   <name xml:lang="de">Terminal hier öffnen</name>
   <name xml:lang="el">Ανοίξτε το τερματικό εδώ</name>
   <name xml:lang="fr">Ouvrir un terminal ici</name>
   <name xml:lang="it">Apri il terminale qui</name>
   <name xml:lang="lt">Atverti čia terminalą</name>
   <name xml:lang="nl">Open Terminal Hier</name>
   <name xml:lang="pt">Abrir Terminal aqui</name>
   <name xml:lang="ru">Открыть терминал здесь</name>
   <name xml:lang="es">Abrir Consola aquí</name>
   <name xml:lang="sv">Öppna Terminal här</name>
   <name xml:lang="ca">Obre un terminal aquí</name>
   <command>exo-open --working-directory %f --launch TerminalEmulator</command>
   <description>Launch terminal emulator here</description>
   <description xml:lang="de">Einen Terminal-Emulator hier starten</description>
   <description xml:lang="el">Εκκινήστε τον εξομοιωτή τερματικού εδώ</description>
   <description xml:lang="fr">Lancer un terminal ici</description>
   <description xml:lang="it">Lancia un programma</description>
   <description xml:lang="lt">Paleisti čia terminalo emuliatorių</description>
   <description xml:lang="nl">Start terminal emulator hier</description>
   <description xml:lang="pt">Abre um emulador de terminal aqui</description>
   <description xml:lang="ru">Запуск эмулятора терминала здесь</description>
   <description xml:lang="es">Iniciar emulador de consola aquí</description>
   <description xml:lang="sv">Starta Terminalemulator här</description>
   <description xml:lang="ca">Engega un emulador de terminal aquí</description>
   <name>Open root Thunar here</name>
   <name xml:lang="de">Thunar als Root hier öffnen</name>
   <name xml:lang="el">νοίξτε το Thunar ως root εδώ</name>
   <name xml:lang="fr">Ouvrir ici Thunar en compte root</name>
   <name xml:lang="it">Apri root Thunar qui</name>
   <name xml:lang="nl">Open root Thunar hier</name>
   <name xml:lang="pt">Abrir Thunar de raíz aqui</name>
   <name xml:lang="ru">Открыть root терминал здесь</name>
   <name xml:lang="es">Abrir Thunar como administrador</name>
   <name xml:lang="sv">Öppna root Thunar här</name>
   <name xml:lang="ca">Obre Thunar com a administrador aquí</name>
   <command>gnome-keyring-daemon -r -d;gksu thunar %f</command>
   <description>Open this folder with administrative rights</description>
   <description xml:lang="de">Dieses Verzeichnis mit Administratorenrechten öffnen</description>
   <description xml:lang="el">Ανοίξτε αυτό το φάκελο με δικαιώματα διαχειριστή</description>
   <description xml:lang="fr">Ouvrir ce répertoire avec les privilèges administrateurs</description>
   <description xml:lang="it">Apri questa cartella con privilegi amministrativi</description>
   <description xml:lang="nl">Open deze map met administratieve rechten</description>
   <description xml:lang="pt">Abre esta pasta com permissões de administrador</description>
   <description xml:lang="ru">Открытие папки с правами администратора</description>
   <description xml:lang="es">Abrir este carpeta con permisos del administrador</description>
   <description xml:lang="sv">Öppna denna mapp med administrativa rättigheter</description>
   <description xml:lang="ca">Obre aquesta carpeta amb drets d'administrador</description>
   <name>Ownership to Root</name>
   <name xml:lang="de">Eigentümerschaft zu Root</name>
   <name xml:lang="el">Ιδιοκτησία στο root</name>
   <name xml:lang="fr">Propriété passée à root</name>
   <name xml:lang="it">Proprietà a Root</name>
   <name xml:lang="nl">Eigenaarschap naar Root</name>
   <name xml:lang="pt">Mudar para administrador (Root)</name>
   <name xml:lang="ru">Передать права Root</name>
   <name xml:lang="es">Ajustar Root como Dueño</name>
   <name xml:lang="sv">Ägarskap till Root</name>
   <name xml:lang="ca">Propietat a root</name>
   <command>gnome-keyring-daemon -r -d;gksu "chown -R root:root %F"</command>
   <description>Change to administrative permissions </description>
   <description xml:lang="de">Auf administrative Berechtigungen ändern</description>
   <description xml:lang="el">Αλλαγή στα δικαιώματα διαχειριστή</description>
   <description xml:lang="fr">Passer en privilèges administrateurs</description>
   <description xml:lang="it">Modifica i permessi a favore dell'amministratore</description>
   <description xml:lang="nl">Verander naar administratieve permissies</description>
   <description xml:lang="pt">Muda para permissões de administrador</description>
   <description xml:lang="ru">Изменение административных разрешений</description>
   <description xml:lang="es">Cambiar a permisos como Administrado</description>
   <description xml:lang="sv">Byt till administrativa rättigheter</description>
   <description xml:lang="ca">Canvia a permisos d'administrador</description>
   <name>Ownership to user</name>
   <name xml:lang="de">Eigentümerschaft zum Benutzer</name>
   <name xml:lang="el">Ιδιοκτησία προς τον χρήστη</name>
   <name xml:lang="fr">Propriété passée à l'utilisateur</name>
   <name xml:lang="it">Proprietà all'utente</name>
   <name xml:lang="nl">Eigenaarschap naar gebruiker</name>
   <name xml:lang="pt">Mudar para utilizador normal</name>
   <name xml:lang="ru">Передать права пользователю</name>
   <name xml:lang="es">Ajustar usuario como Dueño</name>
   <name xml:lang="sv">Ägarskap till användare</name>
   <name xml:lang="ca">Propietat a usuari</name>
   <command>gnome-keyring-daemon -r -d;gksu "chown -R $USER:$USER %F"</command>
   <description>Removes use restrictions</description>
   <description xml:lang="de">Entfernt Beschränkungen der Nutzung</description>
   <description xml:lang="el">Καταργεί τους περιορισμούς χρήσης</description>
   <description xml:lang="fr">Lever les restrictions d'utilisation</description>
   <description xml:lang="it">Rimuove le restrizioni verso l'utente</description>
   <description xml:lang="nl">Verwijdert gebruikersrestricties</description>
   <description xml:lang="pt">Remove as restrições de utilização</description>
   <description xml:lang="ru">Удаление ограничений использования</description>
   <description xml:lang="es">Remover restricciones de uso</description>
   <description xml:lang="sv">Tar bort restriktioner för användandet</description>
   <description xml:lang="ca">Elimina restriccions d'ús</description>
   <name>Edit as Root</name>
   <name xml:lang="de">Als Root bearbeiten</name>
   <name xml:lang="el">Επεξεργασία ως Root</name>
   <name xml:lang="fr">Éditer en tant que root</name>
   <name xml:lang="it">Edita come Root</name>
   <name xml:lang="nl">Aanpassen als Root</name>
   <name xml:lang="pt">Editar como administrador (Root)</name>
   <name xml:lang="ru">Редактировать от Root</name>
   <name xml:lang="am">Root ማረሚያ እንደ</name>
   <name xml:lang="es">Editar como raiz/root</name>
   <name xml:lang="sv">Redigera som Root</name>
   <name xml:lang="ca">Edita com a root</name>
   <command>gnome-keyring-daemon -r -d;gksu featherpad %f</command>
   <description>Make administrative changes to text files</description>
   <description xml:lang="de">Administrative Änderungen an Textdateien vornehmen</description>
   <description xml:lang="el">Κάντε αλλαγές διαχείρισης σε αρχεία κειμένου</description>
   <description xml:lang="fr">Opérer des changements administrateur sur des fichiers textes</description>
   <description xml:lang="it">Fare modifiche amministrative ai file di testo</description>
   <description xml:lang="nl">Maak administratieve veranderingen naar tekstbestanden</description>
   <description xml:lang="pt">Permite fazer alterações administrativas a ficheiros de texto</description>
   <description xml:lang="ru">Внесение изменений в текстовые файлы</description>
   <description xml:lang="es">Realizar ajustes administrativos a archivos de textos</description>
   <description xml:lang="sv">Gör administrativa ändringar i textfiler</description>
   <description xml:lang="ca">Fa canvis d'administració a fitxers de text</description>
   <name>Find files here</name>
   <name xml:lang="de">Dateien hier finden</name>
   <name xml:lang="el">Βρείτε αρχεία εδώ</name>
   <name xml:lang="fr">Trouver des fichiers ici</name>
   <name xml:lang="it">Trova file qui</name>
   <name xml:lang="lt">Rasti čia failus</name>
   <name xml:lang="nl">Vind bestanden hier</name>
   <name xml:lang="pt">Procurar ficheiros aqui</name>
   <name xml:lang="ru">Найти файлы здесь</name>
   <name xml:lang="am">ፋይሎች እዚህ መፈለጊያ</name>
   <name xml:lang="es">Buscar archivos aquí</name>
   <name xml:lang="sv">Hitta filer här</name>
   <name xml:lang="ca">Troba fitxers aquí</name>
   <command>catfish --path=%f</command>
   <description>Search current folder</description>
   <description xml:lang="de">Aktuelles Verzeichnis durchsuchen</description>
   <description xml:lang="el">Αναζήτηση τρέχοντος φακέλου</description>
   <description xml:lang="fr">Faire une recherche dans le répertoire actuel</description>
   <description xml:lang="it">Fare una ricerca sulla cartella corrente</description>
   <description xml:lang="lt">Ieškoti esamame aplanke</description>
   <description xml:lang="nl">Zoeken in huidige map</description>
   <description xml:lang="pt">Pesquisa na pasta em uso</description>
   <description xml:lang="ru">Поиск в текущей папке</description>
   <description xml:lang="es">Buscar en carpeta actual</description>
   <description xml:lang="sv">Sök i aktuell mapp</description>
   <description xml:lang="ca">Cerca a la carpeta actual</description>
   <name>Create symlink</name>
   <name xml:lang="de">Symbolische Verknüpfung erstellen</name>
   <name xml:lang="el">Δημιουργία σύζευξης</name>
   <name xml:lang="fr">Créer un lien symbolique</name>
   <name xml:lang="it">Crea symlink</name>
   <name xml:lang="nl">Creëer symlink</name>
   <name xml:lang="pt">Criar atalho (symlink)</name>
   <name xml:lang="ru">Создать символьную ссылку</name>
   <name xml:lang="es">Crear enlace simbólico</name>
   <name xml:lang="sv">Skapa symbolisk länk</name>
   <name xml:lang="ca">Crea enllaç simbòlic</name>
   <command>ln -s %f "%n (symlink)"</command>
   <description>Softlink between two files or directories</description>
   <description xml:lang="de">Softlink zwischen zwei Dateien oder Ordnern erstellen</description>
   <description xml:lang="el">Softlink μεταξύ δύο αρχείων ή καταλόγων</description>
   <description xml:lang="fr">Lien symbolique entre deux fichiers ou répertoires</description>
   <description xml:lang="it">Creare un link simbolico tra due file o directory</description>
   <description xml:lang="nl">Softlink tussen twee bestanden of directories</description>
   <description xml:lang="pt">Cria um atalho entre dois ficheiros ou directórios</description>
   <description xml:lang="ru">Ссылка между двумя файлами или директориями</description>
   <description xml:lang="es">Enlace simbólico entre dos archivos o carpetas</description>
   <description xml:lang="sv">Symbolisk länk mellan två filer eller kataloger</description>
   <description xml:lang="ca">Enllaç tou entre dos fitxers o directoris</description>
   <name>Share a folder on your network</name>
   <name xml:lang="de">Ein Verzeichnis in deinem Netzwerk teilen</name>
   <name xml:lang="el">Μοιραστείτε ένα φάκελο στο δίκτυό σας</name>
   <name xml:lang="fr">Partagez un dossier sur votre réseau</name>
   <name xml:lang="it">Condividi una cartella sulla tua rete</name>
   <name xml:lang="lt">Bendrinti aplanką tinkle</name>
   <name xml:lang="nl">Deel een folder op je netwerk</name>
   <name xml:lang="pt">Partilhar uma pasta na rede</name>
   <name xml:lang="ru">Сделать папку общей в вашей сети</name>
   <name xml:lang="es">Compartir una carpet en su red</name>
   <name xml:lang="sv">Dela en mapp på ditt nätverk</name>
   <name xml:lang="ca">Comparteix una carpeta amb la vostra xarxa</name>
   <command>gnome-keyring-daemon -r -d;gksu system-config-samba %d</command>
   <description>Configure file sharing</description>
   <description xml:lang="de">Dateifreigaben konfigurieren</description>
   <description xml:lang="el">Διαμορφώστε την κοινή χρήση αρχείων</description>
   <description xml:lang="fr">Configurer le partage de fichiers</description>
   <description xml:lang="it">Configurare la condivisione dei file</description>
   <description xml:lang="lt">Konfigūruoti failų bendrinimą</description>
   <description xml:lang="nl">Configureer bestanddeling</description>
   <description xml:lang="pt">Configurar a partilha de ficheiros</description>
   <description xml:lang="ru">Настройка совместного использования файлов</description>
   <description xml:lang="es">Configurar la compartition de archivos</description>
   <description xml:lang="sv">Konfigurera fildelning</description>
   <description xml:lang="ca">Configura la compartició de fitxers</description>
   <name>Compute md5sum</name>
   <name xml:lang="de">Berechne md5sum</name>
   <name xml:lang="el">Υπολογίστε το md5sum</name>
   <name xml:lang="fr">Calculer la somme de contrôle md5</name>
   <name xml:lang="it">Computa l'md5sum</name>
   <name xml:lang="lt">Apskaičiuoti md5sum</name>
   <name xml:lang="nl">Bereken md5sum</name>
   <name xml:lang="pt">Computar a md5sum</name>
   <name xml:lang="ru">Посчитать md5sum</name>
   <name xml:lang="es">Computar md5sum</name>
   <name xml:lang="sv">Beräkna md5sum</name>
   <name xml:lang="ca">Calcula el md5sum</name>
   <command>yad --info --title="Check md5sum for %n" --text="$(md5sum %n)" | yad --width=350 --height=250 --progress --percentage="50" --auto-kill --auto-close --title="Checksum utility" --text="Calculating md5sum for %n"</command>
   <description>Display checksum of ISO</description>
   <description xml:lang="de">Prüfsumme einer ISO anzeigen</description>
   <description xml:lang="el">Εμφάνιση το άθροισμα ελέγχου του ISO</description>
   <description xml:lang="fr">Afficher la somme de contrôle de l'ISO</description>
   <description xml:lang="it">Visualizzare la somma md5 dell'ISO</description>
   <description xml:lang="lt">Rodyti ISO failo kontrolinę sumą</description>
   <description xml:lang="nl">Laat checksum van ISO zien</description>
   <description xml:lang="pt">Exibe a soma de controlo (checksum) da ISO</description>
   <description xml:lang="ru">Показ контрольной суммы ISO</description>
   <description xml:lang="es">Mostrar valor del md5sum del ISO</description>
   <description xml:lang="sv">Visa checksum för ISO</description>
   <description xml:lang="ca">Mostra la suma de verificació d'un ISO</description>
   <name>Check data integrity</name>
   <name xml:lang="de">Datenintegrität prüfen</name>
   <name xml:lang="el">Ελέγξτε την ακεραιότητα των δεδομένων</name>
   <name xml:lang="fr">Contrôler l'intégrité des données</name>
   <name xml:lang="it">Controlla l'integrità dei dati</name>
   <name xml:lang="lt">Tikrinti duomenų vientisumą</name>
   <name xml:lang="nl">Controleer data integriteit</name>
   <name xml:lang="pt">Verificar a integridade dos dados</name>
   <name xml:lang="ru">Проверка целостности данных</name>
   <name xml:lang="es">Mostrar valor del md5sum del ISO</name>
   <name xml:lang="sv">Kontrollera dataintegritet</name>
   <name xml:lang="ca">Comprova la integritat de les dades</name>
   <command>yad --info --title="Check md5 for %n" --text="$(md5sum -c %f)" | yad --progress --percentage="50" --auto-kill --auto-close --title="Checksum utility" --text="Checking md5sum for %n"</command>
   <description>Compare ISO and md5sum files</description>
   <description xml:lang="de">Vergleiche ISO- und md5sum-Dateien</description>
   <description xml:lang="el">Συγκρίνετε τα αρχεία ISO και md5sum</description>
   <description xml:lang="fr">Comparer les fichiers ISO et somme de contrôle md5</description>
   <description xml:lang="it">Comparare tra loro i file ISO e md5sum</description>
   <description xml:lang="lt">Palyginti ISO ir md5sum failus</description>
   <description xml:lang="nl">Vergelijk ISO en md5sum bestanden</description>
   <description xml:lang="pt">Calcula a md5sum da ISO e compara-a com a md5sum constante no ficheiro md5</description>
   <description xml:lang="ru">Сравнение файлов ISO и md5sum</description>
   <description xml:lang="es">Comparar archivos de ISO y md5sum</description>
   <description xml:lang="sv">Jämför ISO och md5sum-filer</description>
   <description xml:lang="ca">Compara els fitxers ISO i md5sum</description>
	<name>Make Startup Sound</name>
    <name xml:lang="de">Startsound festlegen</name>
    <name xml:lang="el">ήχο εκκίνησης</name>
    <name xml:lang="fr">Choisir comme son de connexion</name>
    <name xml:lang="it">Imposta il suono di avvio</name>
    <name xml:lang="nl">Maak Opstartgeluid</name>
    <name xml:lang="pt">Reproduzir Som de Iniciação</name>
    <name xml:lang="ru">Создать звук при входе</name>
    <name xml:lang="es">Haga sonar el sonido de Inicio</name>
    <name xml:lang="sv">Gör ett ljud vid Start</name>
    <name xml:lang="ca">Fes un so d'arrencada</name>
	<command>echo %f >~/.config/startupsound.conf</command>
	<description>Make selected Startup Sound</description>
    <description xml:lang="de">Gewählten Sound für den Start verwenden</description>
    <description xml:lang="el">επιλεγμένη εκκίνηση ήχου</description>
    <description xml:lang="fr">Le fichier sélectionné devient le son de connexion</description>
    <description xml:lang="it">Impostare il suono di avvio selezionato</description>
    <description xml:lang="nl">Maak geselecteerd Opstartgeluid</description>
    <description xml:lang="pt">Reproduz o Som de Iniciação seleccionado</description>
    <description xml:lang="ru">Назначение выбранного звука для входа</description>
    <description xml:lang="es">Tocar el sonido de Inicio seleccionado</description>
    <description xml:lang="sv">Gör utvalt Startljud</description>
    <description xml:lang="ca">Fes el so d'arrencada seleccionat</description>
	<name>Make Logout Sound</name>
    <name xml:lang="de">Abmeldesound festlegen</name>
    <name xml:lang="el">ήχο αποσύνδεσης</name>
    <name xml:lang="fr">Choisir comme son de déconnexion</name>
    <name xml:lang="it">Imposta il suono di uscita</name>
    <name xml:lang="nl">Maak Afmeldgeluid</name>
    <name xml:lang="pt">Reproduzir Som de Saída</name>
    <name xml:lang="ru">Создать звук при выходе</name>
    <name xml:lang="es">Haga sonar el sonido de Salir</name>
    <name xml:lang="sv">Gör ett ljud vid Utloggning</name>
    <name xml:lang="ca">Fes un so de sortida</name>
	<command>echo %f >~/.config/logoutsound.conf</command>
	<description>Make selected Logout Sound</description>
    <description xml:lang="de">Ein Programm starten</description>
    <description xml:lang="el">επιλεγμένο ήχο αποσύνδεσης</description>
    <description xml:lang="fr">Le fichier sélectionné devient le son de déconnexion</description>
    <description xml:lang="it">Impostare il suono di uscita selezionato</description>
    <description xml:lang="nl">Maak geselecteerd Afmeldgeluid</description>
    <description xml:lang="pt">Reproduz o Som de Saída seleccionado</description>
    <description xml:lang="ru">Назначение выбранного звука для выхода</description>
    <description xml:lang="es">Tocar el sonido de Salir seleccionado</description>
    <description xml:lang="sv">Gör utvalt Logout ljud</description>
    <description xml:lang="ca">Fes el so de sortida seleccionat</description>
	<name>Install Deb Files</name>
    <name xml:lang="ar">تثبيت ملفات ديب</name>
    <name xml:lang="ca">Instal·lar arxius de Deb</name>
    <name xml:lang="da">Installer Deb filer</name>
    <name xml:lang="de">Installieren Sie Deb-Dateien</name>
    <name xml:lang="el">Εγκατάσταση αρχείων Deb</name>
    <name xml:lang="es">Instalar archivos Deb</name>
    <name xml:lang="fa">نصب فایل های Deb</name>
    <name xml:lang="fi">Asenna Deb-tiedostot</name>
    <name xml:lang="fr">Installer les fichiers Deb</name>
    <name xml:lang="he">הפעל בתוךהתקן קבצי Deb</name>
    <name xml:lang="hu">הפעDeb fájlok telepítése</name>
    <name xml:lang="id">Instal File Deb</name>
    <name xml:lang="it">Installa i file deb</name>
    <name xml:lang="ja">debファイルをインストールする</name>
    <name xml:lang="ko">Deb 파일 설치</name>
    <name xml:lang="nl">Deb-bestanden installeren</name>
    <name xml:lang="pl">Zainstaluj pliki Deb</name>
    <name xml:lang="ro">Instalați fișiere Deb</name>
    <name xml:lang="ru">Установка деблеевых файлов</name>
    <name xml:lang="sl">Nainštalujte súbory Deb</name>
    <name xml:lang="sv">Installera Deb-filer</name>
    <name xml:lang="uk">Встановити Deb файли</name>
    <name xml:lang="zh_CN">安裝Deb文件</name>
	<command>x-terminal-emulator -e bash -c "sudo apt install %F; echo;read -n 1 -s -r -p &apos;press any key to close&apos;"</command>
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Re: MX-17.1-RC1 Release Candidate Feedback

#52 Post by asqwerth »

Did you preserve /home from some other distro?
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Re: MX-17.1-RC1 Release Candidate Feedback

#53 Post by dolphin_oracle »

Ok, so your right-click options in Thunar should be showing up in Spanish if your default language is Spanish. Do those show up correctly?
lenovo ThinkPad X1 Extreme Gen 4 - MX-23
FYI: mx "test" repo is not the same thing as debian testing repo.

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Re: MX-17.1-RC1 Release Candidate Feedback

#54 Post by Gerson »

asqwerth wrote:
Did you preserve /home from some other distro?
I had installed to test MATE but I did not like it, then I copied some folders to another disk before formatting /home

EDIT: Thank you. I already solved the fault I had in the following way:
I copied these two files from my other machine and replaced them with the existing ones.
1.- ~/.config/Thunar/uca.xml
2.- ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts.xml
Last edited by Gerson on Thu Mar 08, 2018 2:46 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: MX-17.1-RC1 Release Candidate Feedback

#55 Post by Gerson »

dolphin_oracle wrote:
Ok, so your right-click options in Thunar should be showing up in Spanish if your default language is Spanish. Do those show up correctly?
Yes, all the options in the Thunar menu with Alt + F1 are displayed correctly in Spanish.
Also with right click
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Re: MX-17.1-RC1 Release Candidate Feedback

#56 Post by Mauser »

Found the problem. There is still a glitch what causes the missing MX desktop when you have an HDMI cable connected. When I disconnected the HDMI cable and did a force shutdown by hitting the power button on my desktop tower because it locked up solid. When I booted it up this time it worked great. I like that the Libre Office resizing issue was corrected but advert-block still can't be resized, it's way too large vertically that it goes way off the page. Looks good otherwise.
Last edited by Mauser on Wed Mar 07, 2018 4:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I am command line illiterate. :confused: I copy & paste to the terminal. Liars, Wiseguys, Trolls, and those without manners will be added to my ignore list. :mad:

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Re: MX-17.1-RC1 Release Candidate Feedback

#57 Post by Mauser »

Paul.. wrote:Ran live installed via Live USB Maker. Perfect.

Gotta be the brand of USB stick, Mauser.
No, it wasn't. It's because of a ongoing glitch that prevents it booting correctly if you have a HDMI cable connected. I disconnected the HDMI cable and it booted fine.
I am command line illiterate. :confused: I copy & paste to the terminal. Liars, Wiseguys, Trolls, and those without manners will be added to my ignore list. :mad:

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Re: MX-17.1-RC1 Release Candidate Feedback

#58 Post by dolphin_oracle »

Thanks Mauser. That's a good one to remember.
lenovo ThinkPad X1 Extreme Gen 4 - MX-23
FYI: mx "test" repo is not the same thing as debian testing repo.

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Re: MX-17.1-RC1 Release Candidate Feedback

#59 Post by Mauser »

dolphin_oracle wrote:Thanks Mauser. That's a good one to remember.
Actually you told me this some time ago and forgot about it, but I just remembered it.
I am command line illiterate. :confused: I copy & paste to the terminal. Liars, Wiseguys, Trolls, and those without manners will be added to my ignore list. :mad:

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Re: MX-17.1-RC1 Release Candidate Feedback

#60 Post by greywolf »

Been doing some testing on a spare partition. Install and operation looks really solid so far. Looks releasable. Only one problem.

In producing the USB stick to install from there was only one method that produced a workable usb stick. That was "Live-USB" tool from a copy of Antix already on the machine ( after all who doesn't have a copy of Antix laying around somewhere?! :) ) All md5 checksums worked fine so iso seemed fine. Tried PCLinuxOS "ddcopy" tool which is just a script front end to dd command, as well as "USB Writer" (sic) from Mint 18.3. In both cases iso burned ok but on boot returned an error about "...invalid sector no. 65535" Even dd command from terminal received same error on boot. This was trying to install to a one TB SSD, details below, that is in a UEFI only machine partitioned as GPT.

I am no expert on disk geometry so I am not sure if this is important or not. Probably not a problem to the already converted (as in Antix burn worked fine) but may be a concern to someone trying to convert from another system?


Code: Select all

$ sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda
[sudo] password for talon: 
Disk /dev/sda: 931.5 GiB, 1000204886016 bytes, 1953525168 sectors
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes
Disklabel type: gpt
Disk identifier: 10EF6314-6548-4DA2-8582-94E0937FA1A4

Device          Start        End    Sectors  Size Type
/dev/sda1        2048    1050623    1048576  512M EFI System
/dev/sda2     1050624   22022143   20971520   10G Linux swap
/dev/sda3    22022144   84936703   62914560   30G Linux root (x86)
/dev/sda4    84936704  147851263   62914560   30G Linux filesystem
/dev/sda5   147851264  210765326   62914063   30G Linux filesystem
/dev/sda6   210765824  273680383   62914560   30G Linux root (x86)
/dev/sda7   273680384  336594446   62914063   30G Linux filesystem
/dev/sda8   336594944 1385170943 1048576000  500G Linux filesystem
/dev/sda9  1385170944 1930430463  545259520  260G Linux filesystem

Code: Select all

$ inxi -Fxz
System:    Host: gorilla Kernel: 4.15.0-1-amd64 x86_64 bits: 64 gcc: 6.3.0 Desktop: Xfce 4.12.3 (Gtk 2.24.31)
           Distro: MX-17.1-RC1_x64 Horizon March 6, 2018
Machine:   Device: desktop Mobo: BIOSTAR model: A68N-5545 serial: N/A UEFI: American Megatrends v: 4.6.5 date: 11/09/2016
CPU:       Quad core AMD A8-5545M APU with Radeon HD Graphics (-MCP-) arch: Piledriver rev.1 cache: 8192 KB
           flags: (lm nx sse sse2 sse3 sse4_1 sse4_2 sse4a ssse3 svm) bmips: 13575
           clock speeds: max: 1700 MHz 1: 1556 MHz 2: 1169 MHz 3: 1341 MHz 4: 1478 MHz
Graphics:  Card: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD/ATI] Richland [Radeon HD 8510G] bus-ID: 00:01.0
           Display Server: x11 (X.Org 1.19.2 ) drivers: ati,radeon (unloaded: modesetting,fbdev,vesa)
           Resolution: 1920x1080@60.00hz
           OpenGL: renderer: Gallium 0.4 on AMD ARUBA (DRM 2.50.0 / 4.15.0-1-amd64, LLVM 3.9.1)
           version: 4.1 Mesa 13.0.6 Direct Render: Yes
Audio:     Card-1 Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] FCH Azalia Controller driver: snd_hda_intel bus-ID: 00:14.2
           Card-2 Advanced Micro Devices [AMD/ATI] Trinity HDMI Audio Controller
           driver: snd_hda_intel bus-ID: 00:01.1
           Sound: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture v: k4.15.0-1-amd64
Network:   Card: Realtek RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller
           driver: r8169 v: 2.3LK-NAPI port: e000 bus-ID: 01:00.0
           IF: eth0 state: up speed: 100 Mbps duplex: full mac: <filter>
Drives:    HDD Total Size: 1000.2GB (7.7% used)
           ID-1: /dev/sda model: MD1TBLSSHD size: 1000.2GB temp: 37C
Partition: ID-1: / size: 30G used: 4.9G (18%) fs: ext4 dev: /dev/sda6
           ID-2: swap-1 size: 10.74GB used: 0.00GB (0%) fs: swap dev: /dev/sda2
Sensors:   System Temperatures: cpu: 44.4C mobo: N/A gpu: 42.0
           Fan Speeds (in rpm): cpu: N/A
Info:      Processes: 194 Uptime: 56 min Memory: 983.0/15207.1MB Init: SysVinit runlevel: 5 Gcc sys: 6.3.0
           Client: Shell (bash 4.4.121) inxi: 2.3.54 
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