Touchpad Toggle Script (Free...and worth every penny)

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Touchpad Toggle Script (Free...and worth every penny)

#1 Post by manyroads »

If you want a quick script to create a Short-cut Key "Touchpad Toggle" function, here's something I came up with for my Dell Latitude.

I have mapped the following script to my F7 key. (My laptop does not have a touchpad toggle. ) When using the toggle you receive a magical notification of the touchpad status change.

Code: Select all

#Touchpad on/off toggle script with notification.
#by ManyRoads

if synclient -l | egrep "TouchpadOff.*= *0" ; then 
    synclient TouchpadOff=1
    DISPLAY=:0 notify-send \
               --urgency=normal \
               --icon=/usr/share/icons/HighContrast/256x256/status/touchpad-disabled.png \
               "Disabled Touchpad"
    synclient TouchpadOff=0
    DISPLAY=:0 notify-send \
               --urgency=normal \
               --icon=/usr/share/icons/HighContrast/256x256/devices/input-touchpad.png \
               "Enabled Touchpad";
exit 0; 
Just place the script in a convenient location. I placed mine in $Home .local/share/scripts (Note: remember to make your script executable). Lastly, map the script to the Keyboard short-cut of your choosing. :needcoffee:

Pax vobiscum,
Mark Rabideau - ManyRoads Genealogy -or- eirenicon llc. (geeky stuff)
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