Conky Helps and Stuff


Re: Conky Helps and Stuff

#301 Post by male »

smilliken wrote:How do you get the conkys created for 1_Accuweather to show in the Conky Manager? Or is not possible. ... 545#p1545o

I added the direcctory to the Location in Conky Manager
It is well known that there are always many ways to a solution with Linux. ;)

Mine is:
Since Teo's package only contains the Conky-Syntax1.10, I place this in /home/male/1_accuweather
This has the advantage that I also don't have to change the paths that the script 1_accuweather calls (which is a lot).

If you're still interested in this conky, you put it in
and can start it from CM and edit the configuration file there.

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Re: Conky Helps and Stuff

#302 Post by smilliken »

asqwerth wrote: Fri Feb 01, 2019 11:39 pm You need to make your conkys in the old conky syntax. Conky manager only recognises conkys as conkys if they are in old syntax. Otherwise they won't show up within the CM list. Doesn't mean they don't work but you can't run them from within CM.

Post your conkys and let's see. I can help convert them if need be.
conky.config = {
-- Create own window instead of using desktop (required in nautilus)
own_window = true,
own_window_type = 'override',
own_window_transparent = true,
own_window_hints = 'undecorated,below,skip_taskbar,skip_pager',

-- Use double buffering (reduces flicker, may not work for everyone)
double_buffer = true,

-- fiddle with window
use_spacer = 'right',
use_xft = true,

-- Update interval in seconds
update_interval = 3,

-- Minimum size of text area
minimum_width = 300, minimum_height = 500,
maximum_width = 300,

override_utf8_locale = true,

-- Draw shades?
draw_shades = true,

-- Text stuff
draw_outline = true,-- amplifies text if yes
draw_borders = false,
--font freesans -12
font = 'Arial:size=9',
uppercase = false,-- set to yes if you want all text to be in uppercase

-- Stippled borders?
stippled_borders = 3,

-- border margins
border_inner_margin = 9,

-- border width
border_width = 10,

-- Default colors and also border colors, grey90 == #e5e5e5
default_color = '#cbcbcb',

own_window_colour = 'brown',
own_window_transparent = true,

-- Text alignment, other possible values are commented
--alignment top_left
alignment = 'top_right',
--alignment bottom_left
--alignment bottom_right

-- Gap between borders of screen and text
gap_x = 10,
gap_y = 30,

imlib_cache_size = 0,
-- stuff after 'TEXT' will be formatted on screen


conky.text = [[
${font Arial:size=12}${color ffe595}WEATHER ${hr 2}$color${texeci 50 bash $HOME/1_accuweather/1_accuweather -f2015}${font}
${image $HOME/1_accuweather/forecast_2015/forecast_0.png -p 0,35 -s 167x100}${font Arial:size=11}${goto 170}${execpi 600 sed -n '4p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond|cut -c1-20}
${goto 170}${execpi 600 sed -n '4p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond|cut -c21-40}
${font Arial:size=22}${goto 170}${execpi 600 sed -n '2p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond}° (${execpi 600 sed -n '3p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond}°)${font}${image $HOME/1_accuweather/forecast_2015/wind_0.png -p 180,70 -s 80x80}

${goto 270}${execpi 600 sed -n '6p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond|awk '{print $1}'}
${goto 270}${execpi 600 sed -n '6p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond|awk '{print $2}'}

${color ffe595}HUMIDITY: $color${execpi 600 sed -n '7p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond}${goto 170}${color ffe595}PRESSURE: $color${alignr}${execpi 600 sed -n '8p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond}
${color ffe595}UV INDEX: $color${execpi 600 sed -n '9p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond} ${goto 170}${color ffe595}CLOUD COVER: $color${alignr}${execpi 600 sed -n '10p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond}
${color ffe595}DEW POINT: $color${execpi 600 sed -n '12p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond}°${goto 170}${color ffe595}VISIBILITY: $color${alignr}${execpi 600 sed -n '13p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond}
${color ffe595}SUN R/S: $color${execpi 600 sed -n '23p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond}/${execpi 600 sed -n '24p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond}${goto 170}${color ffe595}MOON R/S: ${alignr}$color${execpi 600 sed -n '25p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond}/${execpi 600 sed -n '26p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond}
${color ffe595}SUN DURAT.: $color${execpi 600 sed -n '16p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond}${goto 170}${color ffe595}MOON DURAT.: $color${alignr}${execpi 600 sed -n '20p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond}
${hr 1}
${goto 25}${font Arial:size=10}${color ffe595}${execpi 600 sed -n '1p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}${goto 125}${execpi 600 sed -n '6p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}${goto 225}${execpi 600 sed -n '11p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}$color${font}${image $HOME/1_accuweather/forecast_2015/forecast_1.png -p 0,240 -s 83x50}${image $HOME/1_accuweather/forecast_2015/forecast_2.png -p 100,240 -s 83x50}${image $HOME/1_accuweather/forecast_2015/forecast_3.png -p 200,240 -s 83x50}
${goto 95}${execpi 600 sed -n '3p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}°${goto 195}${execpi 600 sed -n '8p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}°${goto 295}${execpi 600 sed -n '13p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}°
${goto 95}/${execpi 600 sed -n '4p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}°${goto 195}/${execpi 600 sed -n '9p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}°${goto 295}/${execpi 600 sed -n '14p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}°

${font Arial:size=8}${execpi 600 sed -n '5p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days|cut -c1-17}${goto 110}${execpi 600 sed -n '10p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days|cut -c1-17}${goto 220}${execpi 600 sed -n '15p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days|cut -c1-17}
${execpi 600 sed -n '5p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days|cut -c18-34}${goto 110}${execpi 600 sed -n '10p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days|cut -c18-34}${goto 220}${execpi 600 sed -n '15p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days|cut -c18-34}
${hr 1}
${color ffe595}${execpi 600 sed -n '16p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}${goto 90}${execpi 600 sed -n '21p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}${goto 165}${execpi 600 sed -n '1p' $HOME/1_accuweather/last_days}${goto 245}${execpi 600 sed -n '6p' $HOME/1_accuweather/last_days}$color${image $HOME/1_accuweather/forecast_2015/forecast_4.png -p 0,345 -s 50x30}${image $HOME/1_accuweather/forecast_2015/forecast_5.png -p 75,345 -s 50x30}${image $HOME/1_accuweather/forecast_2015/forecast_6.png -p 150,345 -s 50x30}${image $HOME/1_accuweather/forecast_2015/forecast_7.png -p 225,345 -s 50x30}
${goto 65}${execpi 600 sed -n '18p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}°${goto 142}${execpi 600 sed -n '23p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}°${goto 219}${execpi 600 sed -n '3p' $HOME/1_accuweather/last_days}°${goto 295}${execpi 600 sed -n '8p' $HOME/1_accuweather/last_days}°
${goto 65}/${execpi 600 sed -n '19p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}°${goto 142}/${execpi 600 sed -n '24p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}°${goto 219}/${execpi 600 sed -n '4p' $HOME/1_accuweather/last_days}°${goto 295}/${execpi 600 sed -n '9p' $HOME/1_accuweather/last_days}°

What is involved in converting the file?

This is one of the files I have in the directory /home/dexter/1_acuweather
There is no "Ctrl+Z" in life!
Asus X570, Rysen 3600, 32 GB RAM MX-21
Acer 7551G MX-21 & Win 10
Asus i5, 16 GB RAM MX-21 & Win 10
Brother DCP-7065DN/HL-L3270CDW
Linux User# 4523410

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Re: Conky Helps and Stuff

#303 Post by smilliken »

Code: Select all

conky.config = {
-- Create own window instead of using desktop (required in nautilus)
	own_window = true,
	own_window_type = 'override',
	own_window_transparent = true,
	own_window_hints = 'undecorated,below,skip_taskbar,skip_pager',

-- Use double buffering (reduces flicker, may not work for everyone)
	double_buffer = true,

-- fiddle with window
	use_spacer = 'right',
	use_xft = true,

-- Update interval in seconds
	update_interval = 3,

-- Minimum size of text area
	minimum_width = 300, minimum_height = 500,
	maximum_width = 300,

	override_utf8_locale = true,

-- Draw shades?
	draw_shades = true,

-- Text stuff
	draw_outline = true,-- amplifies text if yes
	draw_borders = false,
--font freesans -12
	font = 'Arial:size=9',
	uppercase = false,-- set to yes if you want all text to be in uppercase

-- Stippled borders?
	stippled_borders = 3,

-- border margins
	border_inner_margin = 9,

-- border width
	border_width = 10,

-- Default colors and also border colors, grey90 == #e5e5e5
	default_color = '#cbcbcb',

	own_window_colour = 'brown',
	own_window_transparent = true,

-- Text alignment, other possible values are commented
--alignment top_left
	alignment = 'top_right',
--alignment bottom_left
--alignment bottom_right

-- Gap between borders of screen and text
	gap_x = 10,
	gap_y = 30,

	imlib_cache_size = 0,
-- stuff after 'TEXT' will be formatted on screen


conky.text = [[
${font Arial:size=12}${color ffe595}WEATHER ${hr 2}$color${texeci 50 bash $HOME/1_accuweather/1_accuweather -f2015}${font}
${image $HOME/1_accuweather/forecast_2015/forecast_0.png -p 0,35 -s 167x100}${font Arial:size=11}${goto 170}${execpi 600 sed -n '4p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond|cut -c1-20}
${goto 170}${execpi 600 sed -n '4p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond|cut -c21-40}
${font Arial:size=22}${goto 170}${execpi 600 sed -n '2p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond}° (${execpi 600 sed -n '3p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond}°)${font}${image $HOME/1_accuweather/forecast_2015/wind_0.png -p 180,70 -s 80x80}

${goto 270}${execpi 600 sed -n '6p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond|awk '{print $1}'}
${goto 270}${execpi 600 sed -n '6p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond|awk '{print $2}'}

${color ffe595}HUMIDITY: $color${execpi 600 sed -n '7p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond}${goto 170}${color ffe595}PRESSURE: $color${alignr}${execpi 600 sed -n '8p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond} 
${color ffe595}UV INDEX: $color${execpi 600 sed -n '9p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond} ${goto 170}${color ffe595}CLOUD COVER: $color${alignr}${execpi 600 sed -n '10p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond} 
${color ffe595}DEW POINT: $color${execpi 600 sed -n '12p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond}°${goto 170}${color ffe595}VISIBILITY: $color${alignr}${execpi 600 sed -n '13p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond}
${color ffe595}SUN R/S: $color${execpi 600 sed -n '23p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond}/${execpi 600 sed -n '24p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond}${goto 170}${color ffe595}MOON R/S: ${alignr}$color${execpi 600 sed -n '25p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond}/${execpi 600 sed -n '26p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond}
${color ffe595}SUN DURAT.: $color${execpi 600 sed -n '16p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond}${goto 170}${color ffe595}MOON DURAT.: $color${alignr}${execpi 600 sed -n '20p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond}
${hr 1}
${goto 25}${font Arial:size=10}${color ffe595}${execpi 600 sed -n '1p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}${goto 125}${execpi 600 sed -n '6p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}${goto 225}${execpi 600 sed -n '11p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}$color${font}${image $HOME/1_accuweather/forecast_2015/forecast_1.png -p 0,240 -s 83x50}${image $HOME/1_accuweather/forecast_2015/forecast_2.png -p 100,240 -s 83x50}${image $HOME/1_accuweather/forecast_2015/forecast_3.png -p 200,240 -s 83x50}
${goto 95}${execpi 600 sed -n '3p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}°${goto 195}${execpi 600 sed -n '8p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}°${goto 295}${execpi 600 sed -n '13p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}°
${goto 95}/${execpi 600 sed -n '4p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}°${goto 195}/${execpi 600 sed -n '9p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}°${goto 295}/${execpi 600 sed -n '14p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}°

${font Arial:size=8}${execpi 600 sed -n '5p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days|cut -c1-17}${goto 110}${execpi 600 sed -n '10p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days|cut -c1-17}${goto 220}${execpi 600 sed -n '15p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days|cut -c1-17}
${execpi 600 sed -n '5p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days|cut -c18-34}${goto 110}${execpi 600 sed -n '10p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days|cut -c18-34}${goto 220}${execpi 600 sed -n '15p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days|cut -c18-34}
${hr 1}
${color ffe595}${execpi 600 sed -n '16p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}${goto 90}${execpi 600 sed -n '21p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}${goto 165}${execpi 600 sed -n '1p' $HOME/1_accuweather/last_days}${goto 245}${execpi 600 sed -n '6p' $HOME/1_accuweather/last_days}$color${image $HOME/1_accuweather/forecast_2015/forecast_4.png -p 0,345 -s 50x30}${image $HOME/1_accuweather/forecast_2015/forecast_5.png -p 75,345 -s 50x30}${image $HOME/1_accuweather/forecast_2015/forecast_6.png -p 150,345 -s 50x30}${image $HOME/1_accuweather/forecast_2015/forecast_7.png -p 225,345 -s 50x30}
${goto 65}${execpi 600 sed -n '18p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}°${goto 142}${execpi 600 sed -n '23p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}°${goto 219}${execpi 600 sed -n '3p' $HOME/1_accuweather/last_days}°${goto 295}${execpi 600 sed -n '8p' $HOME/1_accuweather/last_days}°
${goto 65}/${execpi 600 sed -n '19p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}°${goto 142}/${execpi 600 sed -n '24p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}°${goto 219}/${execpi 600 sed -n '4p' $HOME/1_accuweather/last_days}°${goto 295}/${execpi 600 sed -n '9p' $HOME/1_accuweather/last_days}°

What is involved in converting the file?

This is one of the files I have in the directory /home/dexter/1_acuweather
There is no "Ctrl+Z" in life!
Asus X570, Rysen 3600, 32 GB RAM MX-21
Acer 7551G MX-21 & Win 10
Asus i5, 16 GB RAM MX-21 & Win 10
Brother DCP-7065DN/HL-L3270CDW
Linux User# 4523410

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Re: Conky Helps and Stuff

#304 Post by asqwerth »

smilliken wrote: Mon Feb 04, 2019 12:05 pm

What is involved in converting the file?

This is one of the files I have in the directory /home/dexter/1_acuweather
FIrst, your folder in $HOME/dexter should be "1_accuweather" with 2 "c"s .

As for conversion, there is actually a lua script to convert from old conky syntax to new syntax, but not the other way round from new to old syntax.

See the rules for old-to-new conversion (post 1) and the location of the convert.lua script (command to be used is in post 2) in this thread from the siduction forum:

You kind of have to do a manual reverse conversion from new to old syntax using the above rules. Most of the changes are in the top section of the conky:

Top section
1) use "find and replace" function in text editor to replace all the "--" (which is the "commenting out" symbol in the top section of a new syntax conky) to "##". Note that it could also be just a single dash instead of a double dash
[weirdly enough, the 2nd section of a new syntax conky reverts back to "##" for commenting out symbol, and the bottom section is more or less the same as in old conky syntax]

2) remove the bracketing/bookends from the top section of the new conky
3) replace all "= true," with "yes", "= false," with "no"
4) remove all commas from the END of any line in top section
5) remove all other "=" in top section ONLY, EXCEPT in lines setting out a font size
6) remove quotation marks in top section ONLY

Bottom section
7) remove the bracketing/bookends from the bottom section of the new conky and just have the caption "TEXT" before the start of that section.

Code: Select all

## Create own window instead of using desktop (required in nautilus)
	own_window yes
	own_window_type  override
	own_window_transparent yes
	own_window_hints  undecorated,below,skip_taskbar,skip_pager

## Use double buffering (reduces flicker, may not work for everyone)
	double_buffer yes

## fiddle with window
	use_spacer  right
	use_xft yes

## Update interval in seconds
	update_interval  3

## Minimum size of text area
	minimum_width   300
	minimum_height   500
	maximum_width   300

	override_utf8_locale yes

## Draw shades?
	draw_shades yes

## Text stuff
	draw_outline yes ## amplifies text if yes
	draw_borders no
##font freesans -12
	font   Arial:size=9
	uppercase no ## set to yes if you want all text to be in uppercase

## Stippled borders?
	stippled_borders   3

## border margins
	border_inner_margin   9

## border width
	border_width   10

## Default colors and also border colors, grey90    #e5e5e5
	default_color  #cbcbcb

	own_window_colour   brown
	own_window_transparent yes

## Text alignment, other possible values are commented
##alignment top_left
	alignment  top_right
##alignment bottom_left
##alignment bottom_right

## Gap between borders of screen and text
	gap_x   10
	gap_y   30

	imlib_cache_size   0
## stuff after 'TEXT' will be formatted on screen


${font Arial:size=12}${color ffe595}WEATHER ${hr 2}$color${texeci 50 bash $HOME/1_accuweather/1_accuweather -f2015}${font}
${image $HOME/1_accuweather/forecast_2015/forecast_0.png -p 0,35 -s 167x100}${font Arial:size=11}${goto 170}${execpi 600 sed -n '4p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond|cut -c1-20}
${goto 170}${execpi 600 sed -n '4p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond|cut -c21-40}
${font Arial:size=22}${goto 170}${execpi 600 sed -n '2p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond}° (${execpi 600 sed -n '3p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond}°)${font}${image $HOME/1_accuweather/forecast_2015/wind_0.png -p 180,70 -s 80x80}

${goto 270}${execpi 600 sed -n '6p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond|awk '{print $1}'}
${goto 270}${execpi 600 sed -n '6p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond|awk '{print $2}'}

${color ffe595}HUMIDITY: $color${execpi 600 sed -n '7p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond}${goto 170}${color ffe595}PRESSURE: $color${alignr}${execpi 600 sed -n '8p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond} 
${color ffe595}UV INDEX: $color${execpi 600 sed -n '9p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond} ${goto 170}${color ffe595}CLOUD COVER: $color${alignr}${execpi 600 sed -n '10p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond} 
${color ffe595}DEW POINT: $color${execpi 600 sed -n '12p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond}°${goto 170}${color ffe595}VISIBILITY: $color${alignr}${execpi 600 sed -n '13p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond}
${color ffe595}SUN R/S: $color${execpi 600 sed -n '23p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond}/${execpi 600 sed -n '24p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond}${goto 170}${color ffe595}MOON R/S: ${alignr}$color${execpi 600 sed -n '25p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond}/${execpi 600 sed -n '26p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond}
${color ffe595}SUN DURAT.: $color${execpi 600 sed -n '16p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond}${goto 170}${color ffe595}MOON DURAT.: $color${alignr}${execpi 600 sed -n '20p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond}
${hr 1}
${goto 25}${font Arial:size=10}${color ffe595}${execpi 600 sed -n '1p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}${goto 125}${execpi 600 sed -n '6p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}${goto 225}${execpi 600 sed -n '11p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}$color${font}${image $HOME/1_accuweather/forecast_2015/forecast_1.png -p 0,240 -s 83x50}${image $HOME/1_accuweather/forecast_2015/forecast_2.png -p 100,240 -s 83x50}${image $HOME/1_accuweather/forecast_2015/forecast_3.png -p 200,240 -s 83x50}
${goto 95}${execpi 600 sed -n '3p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}°${goto 195}${execpi 600 sed -n '8p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}°${goto 295}${execpi 600 sed -n '13p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}°
${goto 95}/${execpi 600 sed -n '4p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}°${goto 195}/${execpi 600 sed -n '9p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}°${goto 295}/${execpi 600 sed -n '14p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}°

${font Arial:size=8}${execpi 600 sed -n '5p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days|cut -c1-17}${goto 110}${execpi 600 sed -n '10p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days|cut -c1-17}${goto 220}${execpi 600 sed -n '15p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days|cut -c1-17}
${execpi 600 sed -n '5p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days|cut -c18-34}${goto 110}${execpi 600 sed -n '10p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days|cut -c18-34}${goto 220}${execpi 600 sed -n '15p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days|cut -c18-34}
${hr 1}
${color ffe595}${execpi 600 sed -n '16p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}${goto 90}${execpi 600 sed -n '21p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}${goto 165}${execpi 600 sed -n '1p' $HOME/1_accuweather/last_days}${goto 245}${execpi 600 sed -n '6p' $HOME/1_accuweather/last_days}$color${image $HOME/1_accuweather/forecast_2015/forecast_4.png -p 0,345 -s 50x30}${image $HOME/1_accuweather/forecast_2015/forecast_5.png -p 75,345 -s 50x30}${image $HOME/1_accuweather/forecast_2015/forecast_6.png -p 150,345 -s 50x30}${image $HOME/1_accuweather/forecast_2015/forecast_7.png -p 225,345 -s 50x30}
${goto 65}${execpi 600 sed -n '18p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}°${goto 142}${execpi 600 sed -n '23p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}°${goto 219}${execpi 600 sed -n '3p' $HOME/1_accuweather/last_days}°${goto 295}${execpi 600 sed -n '8p' $HOME/1_accuweather/last_days}°
${goto 65}/${execpi 600 sed -n '19p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}°${goto 142}/${execpi 600 sed -n '24p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}°${goto 219}/${execpi 600 sed -n '4p' $HOME/1_accuweather/last_days}°${goto 295}/${execpi 600 sed -n '9p' $HOME/1_accuweather/last_days}°

Desktop: Intel i5-4460, 16GB RAM, Intel integrated graphics
Clevo N130WU-based Ultrabook: Intel i7-8550U (Kaby Lake R), 16GB RAM, Intel integrated graphics (UEFI)
ASUS X42D laptop: AMD Phenom II, 6GB RAM, Mobility Radeon HD 5400


Re: Conky Helps and Stuff

#305 Post by male »

I would like to add a few remarks. ;)

Conky1.9 does not know the following variables:
in the window size section

Code: Select all

	minimum_width   300

Code: Select all

minimum_size 300
in the font section

Code: Select all

	font   Arial:size=9

Code: Select all

xftfont Arial:size=9
in the color section

Code: Select all

	default_color  #cbcbcb

Code: Select all

	default_color cbcbcb
There must be an empty line at the end of the configuration file.

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Re: Conky Helps and Stuff

#306 Post by asqwerth »

oops! :embarrassed:

Yeah, the rules can't cover everything. You have to check every line in the top section because some things don't translate exactly.

I did think there was something different about the width and size lines in the new syntax conky, but I wasn't sure what it was.

Totally overlooked the colour and font bits.
Desktop: Intel i5-4460, 16GB RAM, Intel integrated graphics
Clevo N130WU-based Ultrabook: Intel i7-8550U (Kaby Lake R), 16GB RAM, Intel integrated graphics (UEFI)
ASUS X42D laptop: AMD Phenom II, 6GB RAM, Mobility Radeon HD 5400


Re: Conky Helps and Stuff

#307 Post by male »


That's not tragic. ;)

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Re: Conky Helps and Stuff

#308 Post by smilliken »

asqwerth wrote: Mon Feb 04, 2019 1:27 pm
smilliken wrote: Mon Feb 04, 2019 12:05 pm

What is involved in converting the file?

This is one of the files I have in the directory /home/dexter/1_acuweather
FIrst, your folder in $HOME/dexter should be "1_accuweather" with 2 "c"s .

As for conversion, there is actually a lua script to convert from old conky syntax to new syntax, but not the other way round from new to old syntax.

See the rules for old-to-new conversion (post 1) and the location of the convert.lua script (command to be used is in post 2) in this thread from the siduction forum:

You kind of have to do a manual reverse conversion from new to old syntax using the above rules. Most of the changes are in the top section of the conky:

Top section
1) use "find and replace" function in text editor to replace all the "--" (which is the "commenting out" symbol in the top section of a new syntax conky) to "##". Note that it could also be just a single dash instead of a double dash
[weirdly enough, the 2nd section of a new syntax conky reverts back to "##" for commenting out symbol, and the bottom section is more or less the same as in old conky syntax]

2) remove the bracketing/bookends from the top section of the new conky
3) replace all "= true," with "yes", "= false," with "no"
4) remove all commas from the END of any line in top section
5) remove all other "=" in top section ONLY, EXCEPT in lines setting out a font size
6) remove quotation marks in top section ONLY

Bottom section
7) remove the bracketing/bookends from the bottom section of the new conky and just have the caption "TEXT" before the start of that section.

Code: Select all

## Create own window instead of using desktop (required in nautilus)
	own_window yes
	own_window_type  override
	own_window_transparent yes
	own_window_hints  undecorated,below,skip_taskbar,skip_pager

## Use double buffering (reduces flicker, may not work for everyone)
	double_buffer yes

## fiddle with window
	use_spacer  right
	use_xft yes

## Update interval in seconds
	update_interval  3

## Minimum size of text area
	minimum_width   300
	minimum_height   500
	maximum_width   300

	override_utf8_locale yes

## Draw shades?
	draw_shades yes

## Text stuff
	draw_outline yes ## amplifies text if yes
	draw_borders no
##font freesans -12
	font   Arial:size=9
	uppercase no ## set to yes if you want all text to be in uppercase

## Stippled borders?
	stippled_borders   3

## border margins
	border_inner_margin   9

## border width
	border_width   10

## Default colors and also border colors, grey90    #e5e5e5
	default_color  #cbcbcb

	own_window_colour   brown
	own_window_transparent yes

## Text alignment, other possible values are commented
##alignment top_left
	alignment  top_right
##alignment bottom_left
##alignment bottom_right

## Gap between borders of screen and text
	gap_x   10
	gap_y   30

	imlib_cache_size   0
## stuff after 'TEXT' will be formatted on screen


${font Arial:size=12}${color ffe595}WEATHER ${hr 2}$color${texeci 50 bash $HOME/1_accuweather/1_accuweather -f2015}${font}
${image $HOME/1_accuweather/forecast_2015/forecast_0.png -p 0,35 -s 167x100}${font Arial:size=11}${goto 170}${execpi 600 sed -n '4p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond|cut -c1-20}
${goto 170}${execpi 600 sed -n '4p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond|cut -c21-40}
${font Arial:size=22}${goto 170}${execpi 600 sed -n '2p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond}° (${execpi 600 sed -n '3p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond}°)${font}${image $HOME/1_accuweather/forecast_2015/wind_0.png -p 180,70 -s 80x80}

${goto 270}${execpi 600 sed -n '6p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond|awk '{print $1}'}
${goto 270}${execpi 600 sed -n '6p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond|awk '{print $2}'}

${color ffe595}HUMIDITY: $color${execpi 600 sed -n '7p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond}${goto 170}${color ffe595}PRESSURE: $color${alignr}${execpi 600 sed -n '8p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond} 
${color ffe595}UV INDEX: $color${execpi 600 sed -n '9p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond} ${goto 170}${color ffe595}CLOUD COVER: $color${alignr}${execpi 600 sed -n '10p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond} 
${color ffe595}DEW POINT: $color${execpi 600 sed -n '12p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond}°${goto 170}${color ffe595}VISIBILITY: $color${alignr}${execpi 600 sed -n '13p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond}
${color ffe595}SUN R/S: $color${execpi 600 sed -n '23p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond}/${execpi 600 sed -n '24p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond}${goto 170}${color ffe595}MOON R/S: ${alignr}$color${execpi 600 sed -n '25p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond}/${execpi 600 sed -n '26p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond}
${color ffe595}SUN DURAT.: $color${execpi 600 sed -n '16p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond}${goto 170}${color ffe595}MOON DURAT.: $color${alignr}${execpi 600 sed -n '20p' $HOME/1_accuweather/curr_cond}
${hr 1}
${goto 25}${font Arial:size=10}${color ffe595}${execpi 600 sed -n '1p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}${goto 125}${execpi 600 sed -n '6p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}${goto 225}${execpi 600 sed -n '11p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}$color${font}${image $HOME/1_accuweather/forecast_2015/forecast_1.png -p 0,240 -s 83x50}${image $HOME/1_accuweather/forecast_2015/forecast_2.png -p 100,240 -s 83x50}${image $HOME/1_accuweather/forecast_2015/forecast_3.png -p 200,240 -s 83x50}
${goto 95}${execpi 600 sed -n '3p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}°${goto 195}${execpi 600 sed -n '8p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}°${goto 295}${execpi 600 sed -n '13p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}°
${goto 95}/${execpi 600 sed -n '4p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}°${goto 195}/${execpi 600 sed -n '9p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}°${goto 295}/${execpi 600 sed -n '14p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}°

${font Arial:size=8}${execpi 600 sed -n '5p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days|cut -c1-17}${goto 110}${execpi 600 sed -n '10p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days|cut -c1-17}${goto 220}${execpi 600 sed -n '15p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days|cut -c1-17}
${execpi 600 sed -n '5p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days|cut -c18-34}${goto 110}${execpi 600 sed -n '10p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days|cut -c18-34}${goto 220}${execpi 600 sed -n '15p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days|cut -c18-34}
${hr 1}
${color ffe595}${execpi 600 sed -n '16p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}${goto 90}${execpi 600 sed -n '21p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}${goto 165}${execpi 600 sed -n '1p' $HOME/1_accuweather/last_days}${goto 245}${execpi 600 sed -n '6p' $HOME/1_accuweather/last_days}$color${image $HOME/1_accuweather/forecast_2015/forecast_4.png -p 0,345 -s 50x30}${image $HOME/1_accuweather/forecast_2015/forecast_5.png -p 75,345 -s 50x30}${image $HOME/1_accuweather/forecast_2015/forecast_6.png -p 150,345 -s 50x30}${image $HOME/1_accuweather/forecast_2015/forecast_7.png -p 225,345 -s 50x30}
${goto 65}${execpi 600 sed -n '18p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}°${goto 142}${execpi 600 sed -n '23p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}°${goto 219}${execpi 600 sed -n '3p' $HOME/1_accuweather/last_days}°${goto 295}${execpi 600 sed -n '8p' $HOME/1_accuweather/last_days}°
${goto 65}/${execpi 600 sed -n '19p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}°${goto 142}/${execpi 600 sed -n '24p' $HOME/1_accuweather/first_days}°${goto 219}/${execpi 600 sed -n '4p' $HOME/1_accuweather/last_days}°${goto 295}/${execpi 600 sed -n '9p' $HOME/1_accuweather/last_days}°

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Asus X570, Rysen 3600, 32 GB RAM MX-21
Acer 7551G MX-21 & Win 10
Asus i5, 16 GB RAM MX-21 & Win 10
Brother DCP-7065DN/HL-L3270CDW
Linux User# 4523410


Re: Conky Helps and Stuff

#309 Post by male »

What is the point of setting full quotes here and posting pictures (200x90) that no human being can recognize?

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Re: Conky Helps and Stuff

#310 Post by smilliken »

male wrote: Tue Feb 05, 2019 5:20 am What is the point of setting full quotes here and posting pictures (200x90) that no human being can recognize?
Good question. Used Screenshot to grab the Thunar image. Never had the image turn out that small before. Sorry if this annoyed you.
There is no "Ctrl+Z" in life!
Asus X570, Rysen 3600, 32 GB RAM MX-21
Acer 7551G MX-21 & Win 10
Asus i5, 16 GB RAM MX-21 & Win 10
Brother DCP-7065DN/HL-L3270CDW
Linux User# 4523410

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